We have a choice of creating covers for either James and The Giant Peach written by Roald Dahl or A Hundred Years Of Solitude written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I chose Marquez's book to illustrate.
So I started off by researching past book covers. So of them we're okay and were mostly based on the family, Others we're either boring or didn't seem to have much relevance to the story. After reading the book I decided to pick the quote about the birds in cages and setting them free as my starting point.
There are a couple of book covers that use birds in their illustrations:

I decided I wanted to use cut out in my illustrations, so after looking at a number of artists I then started cutting out birds and this is what i've come up with so far:
I created these ideas using a scalpel and water colour paints. I will now pick an idea and refine it and figure out what typography will work best with it.
I really want to spray paint the first cut out parrott onto a t-shirt.
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